of counsel
Domenico Siclari
He is Professor of Business and Financial Market Law at Università degli Studi “La Sapienza” of Rome and Head of the Department of Banking and Financial Regulation”. He is admitted to practice in front of the Supreme Court.
He has a PhD in public law of economics from Università degli Studi La Sapienza of Roma and he was also Visiting Researcher at Max – Planck-Institut fϋr ausländisches öffentilches Recht und Völkerrecht of Heidelberg, invited by its Chairman – Professor Dr. Armin von Bogdandy. From 1999 to 2003, he was appointed Bank of Italy Officer and from 2003 until 2013 he was Parliamentary Councillor of the Chamber of Deputies where he also filled the role of Coordinator of the “Credit and Financial Markets Area” of the Research Department.
He also served as Advisor on the 5th Commission (financial statements). From 2013 to 2017, he was Adviser to the Ministry of Economy and Finance for credit and financial affairs.
He is author of various articles and essays published on domestic and international scientific journals, as well as of the monographs “Modelli di sussidiarietà orizzontale. La centralizzazione delle informazioni sui rischi di pagamento” (Padua, Cedam, 2006); “Costituzione e autorità di vigilanza bancaria” (Padua, Cedam, 2007); “Gli intermediari bancari e finanziari tra interesse pubblico e regole di mercato” (Naples, Jovene, 2011). He is member of the Advisory Board of the scientific review called “Law and Economic Yearly Review” and he is member of the scientific committee of the so-called “Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto dell’Economia” (Quarterly magazine of business law). He is the scientific director of a university research project about “Sustainability and Green Public Procurement between market regulation and protection of human rights”. He is also responsible for the Cooperation Agreement for teaching and research between the University “La Sapienza” of Rome and “scuola superiore della magistratura” (the Italian institute that supports training of judiciary) regarding training of magistrates on business law and on financial market. He is ordinary member of the Association of Business Law Professor (Associazione dei Docenti di Diritto dell’Economia- ADDE) and of Italian Association of Administrative Law (Associazione Italiana dei Professori di Diritto Amministrativo – AIPDA). He is member of the “Credit and Financial Management and Regulatory Committee” within the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Rome; he is member of the Executive Council of the Italian Association “Compliance” (Italian acronym AICOM), and of the committee of the Ph.D. program in Public Economic Law at University “La Sapienza” of Rome. Moreover, he is member of the Executive Council of the Italian Association for the study of credit problems (Italian acronym ANSPC). In 2018, he was granted the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic.