+39 02 50041265   Via U. Visconti di Modrone, 7 20122 Milano


We address all professionals who have acquired the following skills in their years of practice:

A consolidated expertise, including relationships, in the world of family SMEs and entrepreneurial families, which translates in the holistic understanding of these realities (so-called relational competence).

Technical/specialized skills in the issues which are peculiar to family SMEs or entrepreneurial families (technical competence).

Sensitivity and human and professional proximity to the world of family SMEs, considered as a valuable asset of the Italian economic fabric.

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Would you like to collaborate with NEXTA?

NEXTA is open to cooperating with professionals specializing in the management of family SMEs. Please apply for further information.

NEXTA Società Benefit tra Avvocati a Responsabilità Limitata | P.IVA 10503900960 | Via Visconti di Modrone 7 20122, Milan | T 02 50041265 | E info@nextapartners.it