About Us
Nexta represents a milestone, distinguishing for its constant presence and closeness to family SMEs.
Nexta stands out thanks to its deep sensitivity, attention, knowledge and authority on the specific issues of family SMEs and entrepreneurial families, which we complement with the interdisciplinary professional skills of a broad team of lawyers, chartered accountants, corporate experts and labor consultants who have been working in the world of family businesses for years.
Nexta is the first Multi Family-Business Office whose structure includes in-house interdisciplinary professional skills, addressed to family SMEs and entrepreneurial families owning and/or operating a SME directly.
I nostri valori
Nexta si distingue per la profonda sensibilità, attenzione, conoscenza e competenza
nelle specificità proprie delle PMI famigliari e delle famiglie imprenditoriali,
a cui affianca la specializzazione professionale interdisciplinare di un’ampia squadra di avvocati, commercialisti, aziendalisti e consulenti del lavoro
che da anni operano nel mondo delle imprese famigliari.
Our values
Nexta acts responsibly to people, communities and territories to favor awareness and knowledge of business models and economic and social systems which are sustainable, responsible and respectful to human core values with expertise, professionality, loyalty, fairness, sharing commitment, inclusivity, freedom and recognition of initiative.